Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hall and Master Bedroom

Hall to Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom

Other side of the Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom Bath

There is a shower to the right of the shelving unit by the commode.

There is also a central bath in the hall right to the left of the back guest room.

So, the progression is enter the house through the side entrance into the laundry room, pass through the kitchen then into the living room. Travel the length of the living room to the hall entrance. The guest rooms are to the right, one in front and one on the other side off the hall in the back. The central bath is right opposite of the hall entrance. After entering the hall from the living room, turn left and go down the hall to the master bedroom. Turn right and go to the opposite side of the room to enter the master bedroom bath.

There you go! The layout of our new house!

Are you bored to death yet?

Next to come is our new pet....tomorrow!

Guest Rooms

Back Guest room, also.

Back Guest Room

Front Guest Room

Living Room

Living room from the front door view

Living room from the kitchen

Living Room from hall

Monday, August 28, 2006

The Indoor Scene

Ok, you've all been asking for these pics for ages, so here goes! I'll try to get them in order. I started from our entry point, the laundry room. The pic on the left is the coming into the laundry room from outside.

Then from the laundry room to the kitchen.

Here's the view into the kitchen from the laundry room door.

More kitchen.