Tuesday, May 23, 2006

One More Thing Accomplished

The next morning after the marathon Settlers of Catan game we got up early to have a yard sale. I hated taking the time out of packing to do that, but it was great! We got rid of a lot of "stuff" and made some $ at the same time! Praise the Lord! I had been setting things back all year for a yard sale and we finally did it!

One More Time

Even though we've been packing hours and hours every day, we had to take a break for our last game night with John and Maria VanWormer. Every Saturday, just about for the last several months we've gotten together to play Settlers of Catan. I LOVE that game!

So, last Saturday was our last Saturday to do that with them. We celebrated with banana splits for dessert!

We have thoroughly enjoyed their 3 little girls, Bonnie, Nellie and Katie. Unfortunately I only snapped Katie's picture that night. I'll have to get the other 2 before we leave so you can see them. They have been like surrogate grandkids for us.

However, really soon we'll get to see our VERY OWN grandbabies!!! We can HARDLY wait!

Moving Caos!

Oh my word! I KNEW this house was big, but trying to move everything we own into 1 bedroom has shown me just how enormous it is! I've been working almost solidly the last 2 weeks packing, packing and packing. Dad keeps getting called away to iron out some bookkeeping wrinkle, but hopefully he can stay home the next couple of days so we can get this thing finished and get on the road!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Mystery solved

We found out last night at our SS training group that the burning "building" was some bodegas (warehouses) at an asphalt company. Their chapapote (tar) caught fire. It was a prettey big thing!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Look what Dad caught on the camera from the roof of the house the other day. We still don't know what was on fire.

Then, look at the new construction on the periferico by Soriana and the Ford plant.

Needless to say I'm having my difficulties on the formatting, but I'll figure it out one of these days!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Baking Day

Since someone asked about Bread Baking Day, here you go!

I usually bake the loaves of bread the night before, then the cinnamon rolls early the morning of the sale. And that's what I did starting last night as you saw by the previous post. I got up bright and early this morning and did the cinnamon rolls and a couple more loaves of bread.



Go!Cinnamoning the dough

Cutting the rolls

Ready to rise

The finished product - 7 dozen cinnamon rolls!

After I get them all packed up, I take them first to the Language School office and sell them during their coffee break. Then I go up to the Bible Insititue and sell to the students there during their lunch break. It works out pretty well.

Packed up, ready to go! So, there you go!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Dad's Newest Thing

Well, here's Dad doing his newest thing. In case you can't guess, he's sanding the downstairs bathroom getting ready to paint.

He just finished our bedroom upstairs. That just leaves the ds bathroom and our dressing room to go!! Whooppee! Next thing you know we'll have the whole house painted and it will have taken only 5 years!!

And this is what I did after supper....

Tomorrow I'll be making about 4 - 4 1/2 doz. cinamon rolls to sell at the Bible institute and Language Office.

So there you go! Another post!

Ok, Ok, Ok!

You kids! Give me a break!! I've been covered up with bread baking, conference prep, etc.! I AM really looking forward to getting some other things posted. I'm thinking I'll be able to get some things done on it tomorrow and Friday.

Don't get too excited now!

Love you all!