Saturday, October 14, 2006

FL Trip - Motorcycle Festival

Now all you faithful Bloggers, don't have a heart attack that I'm postinig again. I'm finally catching on to this thing. Plus I got a computer that isn't as slow as the hills.

There's some really funky machines here!

Yesterday saw the opening of the big motorcycle festival in Sanford. Grandad and Drew strolled down the sidewalk this afternoon and got a few shots of the mighty bikes, inluding this bike built for 2.

Most of the people we saw cruising around were old geezers. Maybe Dad and I need to forget about getting a pickup and just get us a big hog to tool around on!

I wish like all get out that I could figure out how to get rid of the wasted white space in the posts!!!


At 2:40 PM, Blogger Alyssa Spring Corley said...

Looks like yall are having fun. It's strange to see TWO WHOLE Blogs from you in just a couple of days.

At 10:18 AM, Blogger kate said...

drew's looking so big and fuzzy-haired!
hope it's going well for ya'll with the kiddos.
that's probably a great opportunity to make a good connection with them.
thanks for the chocolate support!

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Mrs. Sappington said...

Wow - looks like you're having lots of fun!!! Keep up the blogging!

At 7:47 AM, Blogger kate said...

oh, and soulreavers is ben taylor... if you click on his name or picture than you could figure that out pretty easily -- he has a blog you can go to by clicking on his name.


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