Saturday, October 14, 2006

FL Trip - Motorcycle Festival

Now all you faithful Bloggers, don't have a heart attack that I'm postinig again. I'm finally catching on to this thing. Plus I got a computer that isn't as slow as the hills.

There's some really funky machines here!

Yesterday saw the opening of the big motorcycle festival in Sanford. Grandad and Drew strolled down the sidewalk this afternoon and got a few shots of the mighty bikes, inluding this bike built for 2.

Most of the people we saw cruising around were old geezers. Maybe Dad and I need to forget about getting a pickup and just get us a big hog to tool around on!

I wish like all get out that I could figure out how to get rid of the wasted white space in the posts!!!

FL Trip Day 2

On Day 2 Andy took us and the kids to a BEAUTIFUL state park place in Rock Springs about 45 min. away. It is incredibly beautiful there as you can see in the pics.

Following are just a few of the snaps we were able to capture.

Florida Trip

As you probably remember I wrote you last week to let you know that we were leaving for Sanford to take care of the FL grandkids while Andy and Kristi went together on a business trip to Canada. We stopped off first in Atlanta to drop off Pippa with A. Robin.

I was pretty nervous about how the girlies would do, but it seems they are getting along JUST FINE and have even started playing with one another. That's a huge relief to me!

I slept almost the whole way to Sanford as I was all drugged up on antibiotics, antihistamines and cough syrup trying to beat under a nasty virus or whatever it was that the beloved Zac Corley family gave me.

I did wake up long enough to take some pictures of the sweet alpacas of the Suwannee River Alpaca ranch. I had no idea that alpacas could handle the heat of FL, but these seem to be doing quite well

It's been awhile, as usual, since I've posted. Last time I promised a picture of the new family member, so here it is. Unfortunately he doesn't have a name yet. Got any ideas?

Can you see the little feller? He's there on the left between the tall green plastic plant and the air hose.